Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Hour-Lake & Leaves

Saturday Susie and I had a good time with Jeff at Happy Hour at the Roaring Fork in Austin overlooking a lake. During our Happy hour I continued to gaze over at the lake and ponder about which way the leaves would float. With gusty winds and waves it was unclear to me of their direction. I pose the question: Were the leaves driven by the winds with a predetermined destiny or do they float with the current choosing their own path?


  1. Both, choose your own path to your predetermined destiny. Always same ending, different ways on getting there. I prefer the sunny path.

  2. As you romantically gaze at the basic gifts the earth has given us, the same gifts we all so frequently take for granted when we partake in the duties society requires us be a part of, remember what you've seen and remember to ask yourself the same questions in your downtime. Find a place where you see the basics that were given to us when the earth first was (i.e. town lake or a simple field). Let these features fuel your mind with questions; not skyscrapers, cars, or any electronics for those were not created when man's first soul was. With the earth, man's soul was created and forever shall those go hand in hand; I believe with those two will you reach the answers you so dearly desire to have answered. Not only will some of your questions be answered, but answers to questions you never thought you would find yourself asking will appear as well. Being one with nature is being one with your soul, both are natural, both are basic yet complex. Answers may not be completely correct, but who is to say they aren't right now? With questions and contemplation will your beliefs form, and when your beliefs form, your true soul will appear.

  3. Wow, Tyler! I truly blown away!!! I am so proud of my family!
