Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Birthday's Zen (Lindsey & Caitlin)

I have been missing my Zen. Too much static. I finaly found a peaceful ZEN moment meditating/reflecting after my family's birthday gathering. As we transition from our house and many possessions I continue to remind myself that my family and memories are my only true treasures.

I reflect on my oldest and youngest daughter today. Lindsey now 30 years. She came in a storm and open the blue sky's for us. Our family change over night from a family of 2 to three. Young parents with no or little knowledge of parenthood. I remember being my goofy self and playing with Lindsey & her toys on the floor in our first house on Goodhue. Lindsey was the only toddler at Goodhue and then became a big sister there. I loved to change her sinky cloth daipers. Our Goodhue house cost $22,000 but it was great for us. I made my first big RE commission and paided cash for my Supra. I am still upset with myself when Lindsey hurt her lip on the dashboard of the Supra and cried because the seatbelt did not hold her well. The Supra traveled with Lindsey and followed her all the way to her HS days. I was so excited to take Lindsey to her first movie by myself "The Never Ending Story". What an approrpriate name! I loved to see Lindsey strut herself with the dance teams during HS. Lindsey's face all done up in makeup! I was excited but unsure what to do the first time a boy came to the door for a date with Lindsey. You hope every guy can be that dream. But in life it usually takes time. And then time flys bye and she becomes a professional/30. Today I appreciate and cherish the time we sweat togoether in yoga class. There are not many children today that would let their dad hang out with them in a public group in mini shorts. I cannot forget Shiner (Lindsey's partner) who travels in our family journey and attempts to wag his happy tail.

My yougest daughter Caitlin now 25. My favorite memory of her is us sitting together on the fireplace at Encino Park. She was between 3-4 years old, giving me hugs. It was a moment I will never forget. Caitlin became a fish early on loving to swim. Caitlin's smile and laughter is what brings joy to me. When young wearing her cute bathing suit with her puffy hair. Her manner school training and obessions to going to bed at required times and naming her food. I will never forget the fun we both had with me coaching the Bluebonnets. Caitlin and I are similar in that we like to relfect and try to analyze life. We both "go with the flow' down the winding river running into rocks, but maintain the optimistic outlook. Caitlin constantly exceeds my expectations. She has made a home all by her self in another town, grow into a beautiful woman, and also has become a professional. Caitlin you have accomplished so much being young, you have just started your journey.

The movie "The Never Ending Story" continues for all of our family. Tyler leaves his only home to start a new journey. Kristen prepares to expand her family. Mom & I continue down our new path. Lindsey open's doors for new others. Caitlin expands her "Flow". I smile , laugh and shead a few tears along the way but I embrace the memories our family have enjoyed together and look forward to all of our never ending stories. I appreciate my Zen moment. Note! I barfed all night after our family brunch together. Guess I needed to clense myself for the Zen moment.


  1. I definitely share the Zenmaster's reflections and sentiments. Tears ran down my face reading it tapping into my emotions. It is amazing watching your lives unfold with pride and joy!

  2. Thank-you for your kind words, Dad! We are all embracing the next stages of our lives. It may be scary at times, but I know we can always count on each other for support. Even at 30, I remember seeing "The Never Ending Story" with you.
