Friday, June 17, 2011

2011 Father's Day

Hi Lindsey, Kristen, Caitlin and Tyler.

Zen has been quiet with little thought;however, father's day is approaching. I had a discussion today with friends about spanking kids. I made the statement that I never had to spank or even had to dicipline you kids. How can you kids be so different from other kids and never cause grief. This does not mean that you did not fight with each other or have bad hair days. Yes car wrecks, traffic tickets, quicky piercings,disappearing liquer. And yes even hidden tattos that Dad is not sure where hidden. You don't know of real problems till you talk to others about their kid problems. It is amazing to me how all 4 of y'all turned out to be such complete all-around great indivduals. This is shocking as you realize that your Dad is just another confused dude searching for answers and directions down the river path. And you continue to ask me for advise. I enjoy speaking to others about each one of you because it is so easy to brag on you. If I never achieve anything else in my life time I know I was most succesful in having the 4 greatest kids possible!

Love Dad